Monday, November 23, 2009

Photos: New Features On Conway's

Today was so AMAZING! Not only was it an EPIC powder day full of slashers and cornice drop 3's, but also the Park Crew set up a sick line of 8 rails with 7 hit-able every run. The lineup goes:

Flat Box
Street Style Single bar Rail
Metal Drum Bonk
Flat Box or Rainbow Box
Right to Left C-Box
Flat Box gap Flat Box
Street Style Hubba Ledge

Talk about an amazing start to an already EARLY season. I chatted with Park Soldiers, Travis and Morgan, for a bit today and was completely re-assured that they are going to give us an epic park season. Oh and by the way, The Soldiers told me within a couple of days, we should have two 30 footers. Yes I'm talking about JUMPS!!!


Speak up in the comments and show your support for the Soldiers.

Click HERE for more photos


  1. Looks like a start to another epic season!

  2. Yeah Chris, I think you're absolutely right. The Soldiers are driven and the snow is getting there quick.

  3. looks sick. Still confused/pissed that meadows has a table already and T-line doesnt.

  4. Yeah I heard about Meadows "tables" Correct me if I'm wrong but I hear they are about 10 feet long with no landings. They wanted to build them first even if it meant half assing them. Timberline will do it when they can do it RIGHT! Like I said, Park Soldiers told me we will have 2 30 footers by the weekend. Be patient. It's only November 23rd. We usually are still up on Palmer at this point in the season.

  5. Oh ok so I just checked the Meadows Blog and I guess they do have ONE JUMP. Boy that sure makes for a flowing park. HAHA

  6. Ya there is no complaints here. I am one of riders who converted from meadows, So I know how much more superior T-lines parks are.

    BTW thanks for being our voice and the hard work you put into this site.

  7. Thanks for the props. That is EXACTLY why I started this. The more input you guys give the better the parks will get.

  8. These pictures just made me cream my panties... very nice!

  9. Lol we have all and more, changing and adding every day, and those 10fters, there are 4 and to mini hips, and rollers, it for the kids, and the feed is great, our one bigger jump is fun tnd now flows into a bigger rainbow rail or up flat house high bar, to a up to 20ft flat, to mini pipe, to shipyard, with all to ask for, we also are using wood with lots of sucess, I am impressed by timberlines lack of staff, and still has a fun park, but it little with no new things, anyway I stoked to see something going and thete what they have, COME SHRED MEADOWS u will c!!!!!!!


Since Oct. 30th