Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Help Wanted: Ride Share

I want to encourage people to use this site to link up and share rides. I know I've found myself stuck in Gresham with 10 new inches and no way to get to the hill. Shit, I knew a dude that used to hitchhike from beaverton 3 times a week. I bet he would have been stoked to have a way to get in touch with people that were rollin up. I'll put a link right next to the Gear Exchange link. Let me know what you think of the idea.


  1. no shit, remember all the "i don't think i'm gonna make it up today"... lame-o. i'm all for the ride share! and gear share, but trust me, no one wants my board, i don't even want my board haha. great idea though. keep it up!

  2. Rad idea man. Countless times I've driven from Beaverton by myself. I'm just the "wait for traffic to die down" kinda guy. No getting up at six for me.

  3. Yeah now we will see if people actually use it.

  4. Anyone meet in troutdale at the outlets? I know me and Justin, scotty, karim, keenanand others did it alot last year. It saved gas for sure. Lemme know if anyone is interested.

  5. There we go people. There has to be a need for this. I'm working on a way to get this shit worked out so its legit and sick. Let me know if you guys have any ideas. Im thinking some kind of bulletin board where people can just post their name, date they are going, where they can meet and whether they are driving or they need a ride. Sounds simple to me. I've been on both sides. Not having a ride up to the hill, as well as having to drive up solo. Each sucks.

  6. I dig it, if there was an application and realtime reflection up to date of whos driving and whos riding and maybe any compensation anybody needs. Gas pass (?), green pass for some, or just a guarantee that somebody will hook up the redbulls and coffees. It seems simple- like a user profile chart would do the trick.

    I go to school downtown and take the MAX from PGE Park to Gresham TC - then the SAM there to Sandy (all free), and thumb it or run into all coworkers. I've also used carpoolmatch.com, and craigslist.

  7. yup. i dunno how carpoolmatch.com works b'cause i tried it and it was unsuccessful for me, but i'm sure there is a simpler way (like the bulletin) to get it done. i just know if there is a way for me to avoid how last season went i'd be more than stoked!

  8. Are you talking about when you didn't go because you didn't think your car would make it? That is totally what we are trying to solve here. No one should miss riding because of a lack of a ride. haha

  9. well that, and the whole riding up there solo. i mean i like my alone time but shit, some company wouldn't hurt. but yeah, i would have gotten so much more time up there had something like a ride share been around. and it looks like my mondays and fridays are opening up next term so i'm gonna be able to go way more often! supa' stoked!


Since Oct. 30th